So, in case you didn't know, I'm going to be starting Season 3 of Plot Twist this Friday, November 7, unless something were to happen to make me have to upload it late. My week has been kind of crazy, so hopefully I'll be able to upload it on Friday, and I'll try my absolute hardest to, but.... Yeah!
I really don't want to get started on my homework yet, so I'm going to talk about some random stuff now! I kind of want to tell my best friend about my YouTube channel, but at the same time, I would be completely terrified to. Maybe I could just tell her about my series and pretend it's not mine, and say I just really like the story or something. I'm going to get a little off topic, but last year, a couple of the popular girls in my school were talking about (of all things) A DOLL SERIES! It was a barbie series, but still! I was like "Whaaaa???" and almost considered telling them about my channel, but decided against it, considering one, the series they were talking about seems to have a lot of... Adult content for a series starring Barbie dolls, so they probably would think I was weird for having a channel devoted to American Girl Dolls, and two, if they did end up finding my channel and liking it, I would have to majorly sensor some of my rants I have down in the description when I have a bad day, and sometimes ranting helps me clear my mind.
Anyways, about my friend. I feel like if she did know about my channel and thought it was cool, it would be a really neat thing, and since she's my best friend I kind of feel like I should tell her about having over 800 subscribers on YouTube. But I don't know if she would think it's cool or think I'm lame or even weirder than she already knows I am, because as my best friend, she kinda has to have figured out that I'm a little more than somewhat insane. But when I was asking her what I should be for Halloween about a month ago, and I mentioned being Annabelle, she said please no, because dolls creep her out, especially dolls like Annabelle. I mean, my dolls definitely aren't like Annabelle, but she might think that my videos are creepy (especially if she watched one of my stop motions I stopped making because they take too much work and they never really come out that good). But I mean, she's my best friend. Shouldn't she be supportive of me regardless of what I do in my free time? But at the same time, I don't want to risk losing my best friend.... Na, I'll just keep it to myself.